fantasy · fashion · fiction · French Fashion

Claire from Outlander

Daily writing prompt
If you could be a character from a book or film, who would you be? Why?

From the book and from the TV series. Why? If you have to ask me why, you don’t know Claire.

Claire is smart, stubborn, tough, headstrong and she travels through centuries. She gets to wear Parisian fashion in the 1700s. Shout out to the costume designers and all of the seamstresses that have worked on all of the seasons, and especially Season Two. Your work is amazing, and I want to be you when I grow up.

* weeps in 1700s French fashion*
Still weeping
I’ve dried my tears of admiration so I can truly view this marvelous, dusty blue creation

Ah hem – pardon the fashion geek moment, I just had to indulge.

Back to Claire:

She has two husbands, which, if I’m being honest, is not something that I would want. (She’s not a polygamist, because the husbands are not in the same century, so it’s OK. They do get jealous of one another however, which I find comical.) Anyway, she’s an herbalist and a healer in the 1700s, and she’s a nurse who becomes a surgeon in the 1900s. She’s a tough broad. She gets herself and her husband Jamie into a fair amount of trouble by bringing her 1900s ideals back to the 1700s. An English woman ordering Scottish Highlanders around, cursing at them to the point they become silent and a wee bit frightened? Priceless.

Claire isn’t simply a tough broad, she’s also loving and kind. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, though, whether it’s words filled with vinegar or words dripping with honey. Claire speaks the language of sarcasm, so sometimes the vinegar and honey is mixed, and we end up with a vinaigrette.

A friend of mine once told me I reminded her of Claire and vice versa. That’s probably one of the best compliments I’ve ever received in my life.

Speaking of my life, I occasionally live it vicariously through Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser, my favorite heroine.

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35 thoughts on “Claire from Outlander

    1. They are. Being a fashion major with a minor in costuming, I was glued to the television during the season. The skill it takes to create these is mind-boggling. And the fabrics…😍

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Nice!

    I’ve never seen this show, but I’m waiting for it all to finish so I can binge watch all seasons. I hope I’ll get past the first episode 😂.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I would suggest reading the books first. All of them are available except for the one that isn’t written yet, and Droughtlander lasts forever on stars. We’re going on a year and a half to get part two of season seven.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That red one though… ::drools:::

    Two other friends, whose taste I admire greatly in most cases, adore Outlander. I’ve been hearing about the books for ages, and tried to start the show but something has always held me back. My suspicion is that there is a time to dive in on the horizon somewhere.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The red one is definitely the prize. 😍

      I would read the books before watching the show. There’s so much more in the books. The show was good, but they change some things and definitely have to leave some things out.

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