daily prompt · Humor

You’re Looking At It

Daily writing prompt
What’s the oldest things you’re wearing today?

Hi. It’s me. I’m the things.

I’ll never be this young again, but this is the oldest I’ve ever been. I don’t know how old my soul is, but it is greater than or equal to the age of my body.

I didn’t make the rules. I simply live in the skin bag with all of the accessories.

For anyone keeping up with the pink hair saga, I did go to the salon and attempted a temporary pink dye, but it did not take. Still blonde.
animals · birds · Nature · Short story

As The Crow Flies

To go as the crow flies is to take the most direct route somewhere. Going as the crow flies is the shortest path between two points.

This expression has to do with traveling—in a very specific way. If you travel as the crow flies, you've gone somewhere as quickly and directly as possible. A shortcut is a good way to go as the crow flies. A direct airplane flight with no transfers is another way to go as the crow flies. When you think of this term, imagine a bird flying in a straight line from point A to point B.

I moved to the state I live in now when I was just turning seven. For reasons, Mom and I were graciously taken in by family members who lived one state away from our previous home. It wasn’t terribly far, but to a six-year-old, an hour-long car ride seems like a great distance to travel.

From there, Mom and I moved across a two-lane highway – which is now a four-lane highway – to an apartment complex. We lived there for seven years.

Mom found her final home in a neighborhood she admired for years and would drive through on her way to pick me up from my friend’s house.

I just realized the other day, that if you plot all three of these points of residence on a map, the triangle is very small. In fact, I determined that the distance from Point A to Point B to Point C forms a very small triangle, with each arm of the triangle being about 300m. 300m translates to 0.186 miles.

Some people may think this is incredibly isolating and not very worldly, but it was entirely coincidental and not planned, as far as I know. And since I didn’t even realize it until a few days ago, I guess it could be a statement about how much I like my neighborhood and my surroundings.

You guys know Jerome, right? He’s my crow. Well, it’s more true to form to say that he is my nemesis. He is the crow that’s mad at me for eternity because I wouldn’t let him put his dirty bagels and french fries in the birdbath. He and his friends and family caw at me as I’m walking in the neighborhood. If I’m at the local pharmacy and strip mall, they’ll do it there, too. They somehow know when to show up. If I walk out of my house and Jerome starts cawing from somewhere far enough away that I can’t see him, but close enough that I can hear him, I know I’m in for quite a mouthful. Other people have crows bring them money and shiny objects. Jerome has given me intergenerational hatred. I would prefer money or shiny objects, at the very least.

This is not Jerome. But Jerome would do this: join a gang of crows and become violent against ravens and also me, most likely

“I hear you, Jerome! Good morning to you, too!” I say loudly. I’m sure my neighbors think I’m crazy, but that crow and I have beef. I wonder how old Jerome is, and how long he’s been watching me. Maybe his great-grandfather, grandfather and father saw me at Points A and B. Point C is Jerome’s territory now, as the crows fly.

This guy is getting paid CASH by crows!

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cats · daily prompt · Humor

When kids & cats are quiet

Daily writing prompt
What makes you nervous?

It’s usually too late once you find them. There might be poo everywhere, and I’m talking about the cats here. When kids are quiet, they might be drawing on the walls with Sharpies. Sometimes they form an alliance and the cats eagerly and happily accept the food that is purposely dropped on the floor.

Beware the silence…

comedy tv · Humor · tv show

MST3K, Anyone?

The original, with Joel. I remember watching this show and laughing until I was crying. I just found an entire channel of this show on my new television. I need a laugh today – or maybe 25,000 laughs, so I’m going to keep this on all day as I go about my Sunday chores.

Is anyone else a fan of this show? Let me know in the comments! If you haven’t watched the show, I’m not sure I can adequately describe the experience, but the simple answer is this: really terrible films are critiqued by Joel and his two sidekicks as the movie rolls. Their comments are what makes the show absolutely hilarious. If you think you might be interested in quirky offbeat comedy like this, I recommend you give it a go.

Amy’s Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️