Eastern Redbud tree · Flowers · I love trees · Nature · Nature photography · Photography · spring · Trees

Wookin’ Pa Nub

In All the Wrong Places…

If you know, you know.

To cheer myself up, I’m going to do a photo dump of my plant children. There are a couple of surprises this spring.

My mom’s cherry tree has cherries! No, they are not edible – at least not to humans, but the birds will enjoy them.
The first light pink rose of the season – pardon her appearance, she is drenched by the rains that won’t stop. But she still smells just as sweet.
I believe these are the Sweet William variety of Dianthus. I transplanted this from the back to the front flower bed and it’s very grand. When it’s in full bloom, it will be something spectacular. I noticed these blooms today for the first time.
This is the panned out version of the above plant. I like to call this DIANTHUS (along the same line as CHRIS the cactus). This Dianthus means business!
This is a potted dianthus that never dies over winter, no matter what. I think it’s been in this pot for about eight years.
These are one bunch of Calla lilies coming up. These are bright pink and the squirrels put them here. Luckily the squirrels lined them up exactly with the post so they’re not off center. I planted a dark purple Calla lily last year, and about five plants are shooting up right now.
This is a blue HASTA. Again, the caps are necessary because this is a ginormous plant. The dark purple Calla lilies I just mentioned? They’re behind this guy. I had to trim off five or six leaves so they would get some sun. Stay tuned for more on this drama.
This is a PEONY, with an honorable mention Iris in the background. I’m not a big fan of Iris, but I found out two days ago. They actually smell really nice. I had no idea that even had a scent. 
This is a coreopsis – he’ll be pale yellow when he blooms.
This is my baby lavender. I grew him from seed starting in the fall, and he’s been hanging out in the house until today. When I removed the pot that he was in, I smelled the lavender scent. I hope he survives.
This is a Dogwood tree stump. This tree died in 2021 and was cut down, as you can see. Today, I discovered this sapling growing from the old stump. I put a cage around it and I’ll see what happens. The flowers of the original tree were white, so if this survives it will be the same.
While I was still mucking about in the dirt, I found this Japanese maple growing. It’s not in a bad spot to have a tree, so I put a cage around it. We’ll see what happens.
Last, but certainly not least, here is ERJ, with his new leaves. Isn’t he handsome?

©️2024, itsamyisaid.com, all rights reserved.

animals · cats · daily prompt · Flowers · Photography · spring


Daily writing prompt
List the people you admire and look to for advice…

Underwhelmed. Let’s look at photos.

This African violet used to have lavender petals, but it’s been doing this thing for the past couple of years where it has lavender hearts on white petals. I’m not complaining.
This is a random black squirrel that lived on the property next to my former employer. I’d seen a white squirrel before, but I’d never seen a black one before this.
This is my best bud, Bubba. He sat on this armchair like this frequently. This is what an armchair is for, right?
Contemplating his next chaotic undertaking, or spotting one of his siblings or mother. He was a silly boy. 
A ladybug stopped by to visit me.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a great day!

daily prompt · Flowers · Nature · Nature photography · Photography · spring

Clematis in Bloom

Daily writing prompt
Do you vote in political elections?

No politics on my blog. My blog is a sanctuary for me. If I want controversy, I know where to find it.


Here’s a photo of one of my clematis blooming. It’s actually the only one blooming right now, and this tiny plant has never had such a large bloom. I think it might be its only bloom. I like to get artsy with the photos, so there are two close-ups.

©️2024, itsamyisaid.com, all rights reserved

daily prompt · Flowers · Nature · Nature photography · Photography

Christmas (Cactus)

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

I got Chris, my first cactus, shortly after starting my job at my former employer – around 2011. My Facebook Memories yesterday showed me Chris from a 2015 photo that I snapped in my office at the time. He was still a wee one, and I put a little note on him, because the housekeeping staff would come in overnight, water all the plants in an effort to help, but eventually they would drown them and the plants would die. Everyone knew if you had a plant you’d better stick a post it on it and write, “Please don’t water, thank you!”

Chris, April 2015 – I’d had him since 2011 at this point in time.

Eventually – and most likely unbelievably by looking at the photo above – Chris outgrew his spot on the top of the bookshelf. I had to carefully carry him out to my car at the end of the workday, being careful not to tear any limbs off in the process. I put him on the floor of the passenger side of my car, where he proceeded to tip over three or four times on the thirty mile journey home.

Chris had a spot on my bookshelf at home for a while, then he outgrew that space as well as a few pots. I’ve read that cacti don’t like to be repotted. They like to be root bound, which I am all for, because trying to repot a cactus is not an easy task.

After Facebook showed me my memory yesterday, I decided to snap a photo of Chris present day. He ended up on a perch all by himself right next to a southwest facing window. You’ll understand why he’s by himself when I show you what he looks like now.

CHRIS (the caps are intentional, because this plant is now a Hulk.) This photo was taken yesterday. As you can see, there’s no real way to get into the closet on the right hand side, and he is pulled away from the wall/window because his arms are exceptionally long.

Chris has thrived at home, and he has cousins in another room who are not quite as large as he. They all usually start blooming in October, so I’ve taken to calling them Halloween cacti. Sometimes they bloom around Thanksgiving, so they become Thanksgiving cacti. They don’t really have a timeframe. They do what they want. That’s cool with me. I’m simply glad Chris likes his pot, because I am never going to be able to repot this lanky gentleman.

animals · Flowers · I love trees · Nature · Nature photography · Photography · spring

Chasing Bumblebees

Once the cherry blossoms reach peak pollen stage, the humans suffer greatly with allergies, but the bumblebees party hardy. (I saw a few honeybees getting down, as well.)

As is my normal routine this time of year, I chased bumblebees around the tree. I’m sure my neighbors think I’m daft, but I don’t particularly care. I love to be amongst the pink canopy watching the creatures pollinate. Sometimes I even see butterflies, but not so much lately, and that gives me a lump in the pit of my stomach.

Back to the bumblebees. They are docile, and they seem quite clumsy, but they have a mission. That mission does not include me with my phone’s camera all up in their grills trying to achieve the perfect capture. They buzz and tolerate me, but they despise close-ups. Trying to get a close-up of a bumblebee is like trying to catch a toddler who just found out about running: good luck.

These are a few of the photos I captured on my chase.

And for good measure, a “regular” bee.

©️2024, itsamyisaid.com, all rights reserved

Flowers · Nature · Nature photography · Photography · Rafael Nadal · spring


I couldn’t resist this capture today. I often walk around my front yard with my phone camera ready and waiting.

Dandelions feed the first bees and also the bunnies. I know people consider them weeds, but they’re not. They are food for creatures that are hungry after winter. They are bright, joyful indicators of spring, and I’ve heard you can make delicious wine from the flowers. The greens are very healthy to eat, as they cleanse the liver.

When the dandelion petals turn to fuzz and their seeds can be dispersed easily, this is where most people have a problem with them in their yard, but I’ve always liked to make a wish and blow the seeds wherever they may go. I’m hoping one day my wishes come true.

I’m not the only one.

One must always take advantage of dandelion fuzzies, even if you’re doing your job at the time. Wishes must never be wasted.
It’s almost perfectly round. The imperfection on the top left makes it more interesting. There are a lot of wishes waiting to happen.
Flowers · Nature · Nature photography · Photography · poetry · spring · Trees

Letting The Light In

My flowers are starting to come alive now that we’ve sprung into Spring. I’ll have a post about my favorite tree – the Eastetn Redbud – coming soon, but until then, please enjoy these photos of what’s happening around here.

The Gerberas have started to thrive again, though I do still have to cover them at night.
The Dianthus is massive. it’s been like this all winter. The blooms on this are really cool. They might happen as early as next month.
This is my mother‘s Weeping Cherry Tree. As you can see, it is very much alive and soon will blossom. I have written two poems involving this tree. I will link them below.

Cherry Blossoms – a poem about my mom and her beloved tree.

Ashes To Dirt – a poem about spreading my mother’s ashes underneath her tree.

©️2024, itsamyisaid.com, all rights reserved

animals · daily prompt · Flowers · Nature photography · Photography · Summer


Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite type of weather?

I live in the Northern Hemisphere, so summer will be starting in June. I live on the East Coast of the US where it gets very hot and very humid in the summer. Not so long ago, the heat and the humidity didn’t bother me. Since I’ve had this migraine diagnosis, I’ve learned migraine brain does not like heat nor humidity.

But Amy‘s brain can do whatever it likes.

The rest of Amy likes walking in the cool, soft grass with bare feet, wearing sundresses, feeling the warmth of the air and the sun on her skin, seeing the trees, lush in all their summertime greenness, smelling the warm air and hints of a storm brewing. (Her birthday is also in the summer, so maybe she is biased towards the season.) Sitting under a canopy of leaves looking for four leaf clover while sipping an iced tea or eating an ice cream bar is considered the finer things in life. Peeking out the window as it gets closer to lightning bug season, waiting for the first bioluminescent buggy butt still brings her great joy after many years. She still squeals when she sees it. Watching the bunny rabbits play late into the night when it is still light out is one of her other favorite sights. Spotting hummingbirds is at the top of the list of Exciting Events. Chasing butterflies with a phone camera is a close second, although the butterflies do not feel the same, and she thinks they even give her the side eye as they fly away. No matter. She will chase rainbows after a heavy storm and wait for the butterflies to return.

Summer Bunny just outside my front door
A Monarch who felt sorry for me and let me take a photo
Black Tiger Swallowtail
A bumblebee butt in the peony, with a large amount of pollen stuck to its leg. The wings are pixelated because they are moving too fast to be captured.

Yes, I took all of these photos. And yes, none of these creatures were happy about it. My neighbors likely believe me to be just a touch off…but it’s not my fault. They won’t stop for the camera and I have to chase them down, yelling for them to please stop and just let me take the photo.

chocolate · Flowers · Love · Nature photography · Photography · Writing


To celebrate Valentine’s Day, this entire post will be devoted to the color pink. Pink is my second favorite color, although from this post, you probably would assume it is my first or only favorite color. Anyway, back to pink. Maybe also the artist, Pink. And there’s a song I’m thinking of that may be pertinent to this post – where are my Aerosmith fans? Happy Valentine’s Day, friends. I hope this day is all that you wish for. And if you don’t like this day, I feel you. Guess what tomorrow is? A new day. It won’t be Valentine’s Day. Plus, ✨candy✨ is 75% off tomorrow. Win!

Hi, it’s me. I thought I’d introduce myself.
Not gonna lie, I’m in love with this pink wig.
Pink heart lights adorn a plant
Up close and personal with a peony bloom
Read it again
Bleeding hearts
Have you ever seen the inside of a hibiscus?
African violet blooms with flower petals in the shape of hearts? Are you kidding me?
Pink zinnia
It’s the 16th anniversary of this fine holiday😉 – yes, this was a real print ad
Butterfly on Weeping Cherry tree blossoms
Actual photo of an mini lavender rose – it is not a painting, I promise
Happy Valentine’s Day friends. Thanks for being here.

©️2024, itsamyisaid.com