daily prompt · Humor · kids

My Teeth

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

Both sets were in position by the time I was born, which means they’re older than some of the other body parts in the skin bag I use daily. Except for one that’s a crown, and the four wisdom teeth I never grew – I take that back, there is a heart shaped incomplete wisdom tooth above one of my top molars – the rest are mine. Er, except for the baby teeth, which fell out at the appropriate times. It would be kind of awkward to walk around as an adult with two sets of teeth protruding from your gums, would it not? Maybe you would chew things more quickly, or maybe it would slow down the chewing process…? I digress.

I was asked to pose for this photo due to the teeth situation

24 thoughts on “My Teeth

    1. A bunch of them. But there were questions. I think it started with the tooth fairy. “Why would the tooth fairy give me money for a tooth? How would she stick the money under the pillow?” The math wasn’t mathing. I fell down this slippery slope of thoughts, and I specifically remember the realization hitting me without anyone telling me, although I did interrogate thoroughly. I remember this question followed, “Santa and the Easter bunny, too?” in a tone of voice which can only be described as disappointed resignation. (I’m speaking vaguely so as to not give away too much information here.) 🧚🏻


    1. Wild. I just looked it up because I had never heard of something like that. Sometimes people have extra teeth hiding above their wisdom teeth so that when the wisdom teeth are pulled the extra teeth come down and they need to be pulled. Apparently they’re called supernumerary teeth. Fascinating and probably very expensive. I’m sure I prefer having zero wisdom teeth – even if it means I have no wisdom. 😊

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  1. 🥰🥰🥰

    … that would be a little weird if I had my baby teeth on a necklace or a bracelet… OR A RING!😳… Would sure make an interesting story though (to wide eyed strangers).

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