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My Heart Runneth Over

As we head into Cancer season of the zodiac, I prepare to celebrate another year older and maybe a little bit wiser, but maybe not.

My birthday is next month, and I don’t expect any presents, but today I received one of the best gifts I’ve ever received in my life.

Our own Siri wrote a magical tale just for me. Read Love Rollercoaster here. It’s a fabulous journey, full of gorgeous art, and an engaging spinning tale. As with every story, she weaves a song into the mix. (Take a look at the title of her story and you might guess the song.)

Read her story and get lost in the beautiful images and wonderful storytelling, as I did. Read another, you won’t be disappointed. Subscribe to never miss out on the next sweeping, galactic journey and to catch up on what you’ve missed.

My heart is full and so very happy. Thank you, thank you, my friend! ♥️

21 thoughts on “My Heart Runneth Over

  1. now i am the first one to aver that you just have to let art flow over you but i have questions. i’ve been on my little hobbyhorse lately about not using AI but that story/art/song is beautiful. how did you get that to happen? happy early birthday. glad i’m around for this one!

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    1. Didn’t Siri do a great job? It’s fantastic. I’m not sure how she did it, but it’s wonderful. You could go over to her blog and ask how she does it, I’m sure she would be glad to have you. Thank you for the birthday wishes, and I’m glad you’re here too!

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