animals · birds · conservation · daily prompt · Humor · Love · Nature · Nature photography · Summer

Mourning Dove Love

Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

I didn’t want to answer this prompt by saying, “I recycle, reuse and repurpose,” not because I don’t do those things (I do), but because I felt like it would be a common answer. After a bit of deliberation, I found my prompt answer in an unusual spot. It seems the mourning doves felt very comfortable and a bit frisky in the front flower bed this morning.

That got me thinking. I have noticed there are teenaged squirrels in the backyard and teenaged starlings at the birdbath.

Thus, my contribution to sustainability is providing a natural reproductive habitat for birds, rodents, insects, and possibly Toady McToaderson – if he can find his mate one of these nights. Poor Toady.

Mourning Doves feeling the love