animals · Flowers · I love trees · Nature · Nature photography · Photography · spring

Chasing Bumblebees

Once the cherry blossoms reach peak pollen stage, the humans suffer greatly with allergies, but the bumblebees party hardy. (I saw a few honeybees getting down, as well.)

As is my normal routine this time of year, I chased bumblebees around the tree. I’m sure my neighbors think I’m daft, but I don’t particularly care. I love to be amongst the pink canopy watching the creatures pollinate. Sometimes I even see butterflies, but not so much lately, and that gives me a lump in the pit of my stomach.

Back to the bumblebees. They are docile, and they seem quite clumsy, but they have a mission. That mission does not include me with my phone’s camera all up in their grills trying to achieve the perfect capture. They buzz and tolerate me, but they despise close-ups. Trying to get a close-up of a bumblebee is like trying to catch a toddler who just found out about running: good luck.

These are a few of the photos I captured on my chase.

And for good measure, a “regular” bee.

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Flowers · Nature · Nature photography · Photography · Rafael Nadal · spring


I couldn’t resist this capture today. I often walk around my front yard with my phone camera ready and waiting.

Dandelions feed the first bees and also the bunnies. I know people consider them weeds, but they’re not. They are food for creatures that are hungry after winter. They are bright, joyful indicators of spring, and I’ve heard you can make delicious wine from the flowers. The greens are very healthy to eat, as they cleanse the liver.

When the dandelion petals turn to fuzz and their seeds can be dispersed easily, this is where most people have a problem with them in their yard, but I’ve always liked to make a wish and blow the seeds wherever they may go. I’m hoping one day my wishes come true.

I’m not the only one.

One must always take advantage of dandelion fuzzies, even if you’re doing your job at the time. Wishes must never be wasted.
It’s almost perfectly round. The imperfection on the top left makes it more interesting. There are a lot of wishes waiting to happen.
Flowers · Nature · Nature photography · Photography · poetry · spring · Trees

Letting The Light In

My flowers are starting to come alive now that we’ve sprung into Spring. I’ll have a post about my favorite tree – the Eastetn Redbud – coming soon, but until then, please enjoy these photos of what’s happening around here.

The Gerberas have started to thrive again, though I do still have to cover them at night.
The Dianthus is massive. it’s been like this all winter. The blooms on this are really cool. They might happen as early as next month.
This is my mother‘s Weeping Cherry Tree. As you can see, it is very much alive and soon will blossom. I have written two poems involving this tree. I will link them below.

Cherry Blossoms – a poem about my mom and her beloved tree.

Ashes To Dirt – a poem about spreading my mother’s ashes underneath her tree.

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