daily prompt · Flowers · Nature · Nature photography · Photography

Christmas (Cactus)

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

I got Chris, my first cactus, shortly after starting my job at my former employer – around 2011. My Facebook Memories yesterday showed me Chris from a 2015 photo that I snapped in my office at the time. He was still a wee one, and I put a little note on him, because the housekeeping staff would come in overnight, water all the plants in an effort to help, but eventually they would drown them and the plants would die. Everyone knew if you had a plant you’d better stick a post it on it and write, “Please don’t water, thank you!”

Chris, April 2015 – I’d had him since 2011 at this point in time.

Eventually – and most likely unbelievably by looking at the photo above – Chris outgrew his spot on the top of the bookshelf. I had to carefully carry him out to my car at the end of the workday, being careful not to tear any limbs off in the process. I put him on the floor of the passenger side of my car, where he proceeded to tip over three or four times on the thirty mile journey home.

Chris had a spot on my bookshelf at home for a while, then he outgrew that space as well as a few pots. I’ve read that cacti don’t like to be repotted. They like to be root bound, which I am all for, because trying to repot a cactus is not an easy task.

After Facebook showed me my memory yesterday, I decided to snap a photo of Chris present day. He ended up on a perch all by himself right next to a southwest facing window. You’ll understand why he’s by himself when I show you what he looks like now.

CHRIS (the caps are intentional, because this plant is now a Hulk.) This photo was taken yesterday. As you can see, there’s no real way to get into the closet on the right hand side, and he is pulled away from the wall/window because his arms are exceptionally long.

Chris has thrived at home, and he has cousins in another room who are not quite as large as he. They all usually start blooming in October, so I’ve taken to calling them Halloween cacti. Sometimes they bloom around Thanksgiving, so they become Thanksgiving cacti. They don’t really have a timeframe. They do what they want. That’s cool with me. I’m simply glad Chris likes his pot, because I am never going to be able to repot this lanky gentleman.

33 thoughts on “Christmas (Cactus)

  1. Wow, Chris the cactus has quite the journey from a wee one on your office shelf to a towering Hulk at home! It’s like he’s grown into his own superhero persona. And those Halloween/Thanksgiving cacti sounds like they have a mind of their own, blooming whenever they feel like it. Chris definitely seems to have found his happy pot!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Chris is a site to behold. Was trying to get into my closet today and I kept bumping into him. Every time I did, I told him I was sorry. 😂


  2. And what a handsome fellow he is!🌺 I can’t have plants around the house because Josie-Pye the cat thinks it’s okay to rip them out of the pot then do her business in the dirt. Not cool. Not cool at all.

    But Chris there, he is definitely cool! 🩷

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    1. Susie‘s brother Bubba used to eat all the plants, even the bad ones that I had in my room and were off-limits to the cats. He never got sick from them, but he was a weirdo. Lol. Susie doesn’t bother with any plants, which is really great. 😊

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    1. He did! I’m going to have to find another spot for him soon, but I don’t know where that can be. I have a huge purple shamrock near the other window of my room, which blocks the television, so I have a conundrum.

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      1. He’s definitely heavy and I hope that he is happy. I talk to him every day, and he’s getting some new leaves right now. I will congratulate him on his new leaves and do a little dance. 😊

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  3. The first impression was that CHRIS seemed to be a bit of a pr!ck.

    After being enlighted about all CHRIS had been through, the impression changed to being, CHRIS is a survivor.

    High five CHRIS… wait a second, please. (Puts on welding gloves) Ok, CHRIS, High Five!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, he’s really not that prickly. You can touch his leaves and they don’t hurt. As far as high-fiving him, it’s going to take a long time because he has a lot of leaves😂

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      1. Peels gloves off . Ok, CHRIS not to be rude dude, but Amy takes good care of you, she will be your proxy this time. ( A single over-head high-five rings out… Clap!!!)

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