daily prompt

Work In Progress

Daily writing prompt
Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

I’m writing. I hadn’t done that in many years and I forced myself to purchase a domain to keep at it. But that’s not really a positive change, that’s a revisit of something I enjoy.

I finally got blonde hair again. But that’s not really a positive change. That’s just a superficial renovation of the exterior. 

I’m a work in progress. I try to change aspects of myself that I feel could be different, but I tend to fall back into bad habits: thinking I should’ve made better choices, feeling bad about not making better choices, and, well, trying to get through this thing called life.

I suppose one positive change is realizing that I’m not making positive changes all the time.

Old traumas resurface and old behavior patterns come along with them. I’m not sure I’m ever going to get it right, but I’m going to try.

Have a good day, everyone.

29 thoughts on “Work In Progress

  1. Old traumas pop up here and there as more healing likely needs to take place. It happens to the best of us, just remember to love yourself hard and (my own advice and mantra through my own fire journey) “just keep going in every way as you are” and leave the poor bumble bees alone jk 😂

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      1. I know you were just kidding. I’d like to think I brighten their spirits, but I’d be kidding myself. 😂😊 I’m sure they think “oh no she’s back.” 😂

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  2. Change can feel like a constant uphill battle sometimes. But you know what? Recognizing the journey, the ups, the downs, and the revisits is a positive change in itself. It’s all part of the messy, beautiful process of growth. Keep trying, keep learning, and keep being kind to yourself. Have a good day too!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. it s like shaving off it goes

    and grows back

    each day up and at em

    why i know not

    the words

    you choose

    the time you loose

    you either feel it


    or it is just a cold stab

    to a dying heart

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