
I Did A Thing

I didn’t even realize I did it, but WordPress tells me I did, so it must be true.

Eleven years ago today I started a blog here. It’s retired now, and I didn’t really post much on it, but I still remember how much simpler it was in the blogosphere back then as compared to now. 

37 thoughts on “I Did A Thing

  1. I started a blog in 2008, I think on WordPress and stopped writing around 2016. I decided not to revive it, but started a new one instead this year.
    The old blog still exists though, but I don’t think it generates much interest any more.

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  2. That’s interesting. I’d like to know why you think this to be the case. I started a blog about the same length of time ago but it petered out.

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    1. Technology has changed so much that in the past 11 years things have sped up. It was a simpler time, even though it wasn’t that long ago.


  3. Congrats! In what way do you think it was easier back then? Easier to get readers and subscribers, maybe? I’ve always struggled with that, until now 😂.

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    1. Blogging was still sort of new and there wasn’t much else going on like there is now. Technology has just bloomed and back then you had a computer and you were blogging. It was what everybody was doing. very few of the social media apps were active like they are now. So that way it was easier to get readers and subscribers and it was not as crowded. There weren’t really scammers. It was just different.

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    1. Essentially technology wasn’t as advanced as it is now. In the past 10 years, we just are moving at a super speed with technology. Blogs were the thing that most people were doing and all the other social media apps were not as popular or didn’t exist. It was easier to get readers, and there wasn’t such an emphasis on how to make money blogging. I’m not sure how else to describe it, but it was different and much less complicated. I don’t recall any drama ever back then on the platform.

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      1. I must be out of touch. I just write about what I like (which is racing) and whatever events my son and I compete in. I don’t know of any drama, nor do I care to make money from something I do for fun.

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      2. I have never made any money off of blogging and I haven’t tried to. But some people do. there’s nothing wrong with that but I haven’t done it. I’m glad you just write about what you like. That’s more of how it should be.

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      3. Yeah…leave money out of the equation. Some things should just be for joy, not cash.
        For example, our little race team has a YT channel with hundreds of videos and a couple thousand subscribers (mostly in Brazil, which is odd because we are Canadian). I just get a kick out of folks in places I have never been to actually watching our races. I would never monetize that.

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