animals · birds · conservation · daily prompt · Humor · Love · Nature · Nature photography · Summer

Mourning Dove Love

Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

I didn’t want to answer this prompt by saying, “I recycle, reuse and repurpose,” not because I don’t do those things (I do), but because I felt like it would be a common answer. After a bit of deliberation, I found my prompt answer in an unusual spot. It seems the mourning doves felt very comfortable and a bit frisky in the front flower bed this morning.

That got me thinking. I have noticed there are teenaged squirrels in the backyard and teenaged starlings at the birdbath.

Thus, my contribution to sustainability is providing a natural reproductive habitat for birds, rodents, insects, and possibly Toady McToaderson – if he can find his mate one of these nights. Poor Toady.

Mourning Doves feeling the love
daily prompt · Humor

I Can’t See The Haters

If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be?

‘Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo)

– lyrics from Shake It Off, Taylor Swift

Haters gonna hate, but if I can’t see them, it doesn’t matter
animals · art · Flowers · Humor · Nature · Nature photography · Photography · Summer · Writing

Long-Legged Fly

AKA Condylostylus mundus

Isn’t it dreamy?

I don’t know which is worse: the common name or the Latin name.

When I noticed this stunning bug on a wildflower that is growing up through my rosebush, its legs weren’t the first thing I thought about, nor clamored to see. My first thought wasn’t “I need to be able to judge its leg length compared to other flies’ leg lengths!” I had never seen one of these before, and I am not sure that I ever will again. It is not native to my area.

I tried not to scare it away as I reached for my phone. You know how I like to chase things that are cute – or in this case stunningly beautiful – and you know how they run away from me (bunnies, bumblebees, butterflies, I’m looking at you…). I inched closer to this marvelous being, and was able to capture a few shots. Unfortunately, my phone was completely captivated and was unable to focus on the creature very well, and I ended up with only one decent photo.

After the Beauty Queen of the Backyard flew off, I went inside and did some research. Google told me this electrifyingly blue-green insect was called a Long-Legged Fly. First of all, this bug did not have Daddy-Long Leg legs – that would have been pretty obvious, and honestly? Ridiculous. My second complaint was: why are we focusing on legs when we have an entire blue-green iridescent body that is deserving of a better name than one given to a hillbilly at a dive bar in a Holler?

And then there is the Latin, official name: Condylostylus mundus. Really? The only thing I see here is stylus, and maybe that is vaguely appropriate, but we need to alter the word to stylish.

A far better photo, likely by a professional who doesn’t chase down shiny creatures in the backyard

In summary, I have renamed this fly, which, by the way, eats aphids and other pests, and is completely not like the regular fly that we associate with trash and maggots. (Sidebar: I absolutely abhor maggots, and will run for the hills, alternatively screeching and gagging if I see even one of them.) Flies are disgusting. I know they’re necessary, but I also know every time they land they throw up, and I can be down with the delectable bee vomit, but I am not down with fly vomit under any circumstances.

But I digress. Back to the stylish fly. I’ve decided to rename it, and I think that the governing bodies of naming insects should listen to me.

Stylishirridescentbluegreenfly regularlengthlegs

art · art history · blogging · daily prompt · Humor

Narcissus, Is That You?

What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

Did WordPress let you write the prompt again? Typically, writing in the third person is not the best choice, but I know you had the mirror in one hand, and weren’t focused on anything else.

Blogging Fam, return tomorrow for a daily prompt that may or may not be written by Narcissus, but likely to be equally as ridiculous.

Featured image “Narcissus” by Caravaggio

daily prompt · Humor · kids

My Teeth

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

Both sets were in position by the time I was born, which means they’re older than some of the other body parts in the skin bag I use daily. Except for one that’s a crown, and the four wisdom teeth I never grew – I take that back, there is a heart shaped incomplete wisdom tooth above one of my top molars – the rest are mine. Er, except for the baby teeth, which fell out at the appropriate times. It would be kind of awkward to walk around as an adult with two sets of teeth protruding from your gums, would it not? Maybe you would chew things more quickly, or maybe it would slow down the chewing process…? I digress.

I was asked to pose for this photo due to the teeth situation
blogging · daily prompt · Humor · Rafa Nadal · Summer · tennis · Writing

Breakfast With Rafa

Describe one of your favorite moments.

It’s a top five moment. I’ve had a lot of favorite moments, but this one is top five, for sure. It was the first time in my life that I had a vision and a hope to accomplish something, and from start to finish, I did. The interview was my idea, and I brought it to the website team. Surprisingly, the stars lined up and everything from there went in my favor. I can’t adequately describe the feeling, other than to say that when whatever hopes and dreams you have/had for yourself seem insurmountable and then they happen, it’s euphoric. It’s the stunned disbelief, it’s the sitting back in your chair and laughing at what just happened. It’s the feeling that you get when you write a great poem – you’re in the zone. It’s an astonishment: did that just happen? It’s a gratefulness to the universe that is verbalized repeatedly. It’s a moment you don’t know if you can ever top, and you question why you would even try. It’s the culmination of hard work and determination and a heavy dose of stubbornness. It’s a thankfulness for loving words so much that you can use them to put together something other people will enjoy. It‘s Girl Power in practice.

Read my favorite moment here: Breakfast With Rafa.

©️2024, photo and interview, all rights reserved. Use of photo and any and all parts of the interview expressly prohibited unless given special permission by the author.