blogging · daily prompt · Humor · Rafa Nadal · Summer · tennis · Writing

Breakfast With Rafa

Describe one of your favorite moments.

It’s a top five moment. I’ve had a lot of favorite moments, but this one is top five, for sure. It was the first time in my life that I had a vision and a hope to accomplish something, and from start to finish, I did. The interview was my idea, and I brought it to the website team. Surprisingly, the stars lined up and everything from there went in my favor. I can’t adequately describe the feeling, other than to say that when whatever hopes and dreams you have/had for yourself seem insurmountable and then they happen, it’s euphoric. It’s the stunned disbelief, it’s the sitting back in your chair and laughing at what just happened. It’s the feeling that you get when you write a great poem – you’re in the zone. It’s an astonishment: did that just happen? It’s a gratefulness to the universe that is verbalized repeatedly. It’s a moment you don’t know if you can ever top, and you question why you would even try. It’s the culmination of hard work and determination and a heavy dose of stubbornness. It’s a thankfulness for loving words so much that you can use them to put together something other people will enjoy. It‘s Girl Power in practice.

Read my favorite moment here: Breakfast With Rafa.

©️2024, photo and interview, all rights reserved. Use of photo and any and all parts of the interview expressly prohibited unless given special permission by the author.

daily prompt · Humor · Short story

Officer Cutie

If you had to change your name, what would your new name be?

I’m hijacking this prompt today to share a story. Facebook reminded me of. It happened in 2018.

The strangest, most amusing thing just happened. The police just knocked on my door, talking about my neighbor across the street who is reporting A THEFT OF A ROLL OF TOILET PAPER AND TWO TOWELS. Now, we knew about this lunacy prior – her husband asked us the other day if we saw anybody at the house because A ROLL OF TOILET PAPER AND TWO TOWELS were missing. We have been joking about it ever since (“Mom, omg, hide the toilet paper from view – and don’t hang the towels out to dry!!!”).

We do not live in a Walmart. Her house has not been burglarized. These items are not missing. She may be slightly…paranoid.

So, I’m standing on my porch in my tank top and shorts, while holding my toothbrush, proceeding to tell the EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE 12 YEAR OLD POLICE OFFICER about the situation and was like “Dude, nobody stole those things. We saw nothing. I mean, seriously? TP and two towels? Dude.” And he was like “I know, right? But we got the call, and this is my duty…”

And then he asked me for my full name, birth date, address, and phone number, which I found to be slightly off-putting (and I completely forgot my last name because DAMN HE CUTE, which made my mom howl with laughter when I told her this). I sure hope the toilet paper and bath towel bandit is caught 🙄, and yes, I do expect a birthday card next month, Officer Cutie.

daily prompt · Humor

You’re Looking At It

Daily writing prompt
What’s the oldest things you’re wearing today?

Hi. It’s me. I’m the things.

I’ll never be this young again, but this is the oldest I’ve ever been. I don’t know how old my soul is, but it is greater than or equal to the age of my body.

I didn’t make the rules. I simply live in the skin bag with all of the accessories.

For anyone keeping up with the pink hair saga, I did go to the salon and attempted a temporary pink dye, but it did not take. Still blonde.